Visual Effect Graph - Realtime visual effects In Unity

Visual Effect Graph - Realtime visual effects In Unity

금별 0 959 2018.11.09 04:01

Learn more: How to get access to it from GitHub: Unity 2018.3's VFX Graph gives creators greater flexibility and power in their visual effects. Inspired by leading tools for film visual effects software to provide node-based effects, and adapted features for Real-Time Visual Effects. Visual Effects Graph allows the creation of GPU simulated particle systems powered by computer shaders allowing you to create complex simulations with millions of particles, all in real-time. It’s available in preview as part of Unity 2018.3. 

[이 게시물은 금별님에 의해 2019-01-13 19:51:14 자유게시판에서 이동 됨]


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