게임이펙트의 모든것! Composer & VFX Artist "jacob" 인터뷰_01

게임이펙트의 모든것! Composer & VFX Artist "jacob" 인터뷰_01

금별 0 577 2024.06.09 15:21



00:24 자기소개
00:46 첫 한국방문
00:58 어렸을때 꿈
03:00 한국을 알게된 계기
04:21 VFX 작업사례
05:06 작곡이 VFX에 도움이 되는지?
06:03 게임 작곡사레
06:47 한국의 VFX 선호도
07:36 중국의 게임을 어떻게 보고 있는지?

Composer & VFX Artist "jacob" 인터뷰_01
한국을 좋아하는 아티스트
작곡가 + VFX아티스트 "제이콥" 님을 모시고 인터뷰해봤습니다.

게임 이펙트와 관련된 인터뷰를 하고 싶은신분은
cjinsung@naver.com으로 연락주세요
Subject: Seeking Interviews with Students Who Took rinban's Lectures
We are actively searching for students who have taken rinban's lectures in the English-speaking community. If you have benefited from rinban's teachings, have success stories, or have secured employment opportunities as a result of the learnings, we would love to hear from you.
Please reach out to me if you are willing to share your experiences and thoughts through an interview. Your insights could inspire and guide others who are considering similar paths in the gaming industry.
Feel free to contact me at cjinsung@naver.com


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