언리얼4 컴파일링 벤치마크 8코어 vs 16코어 CPU[Unreal Engine 4.25.4]

언리얼4 컴파일링 벤치마크 8코어 vs 16코어 CPU[Unreal Engine 4.25.4]

금별 0 2,113 2020.10.27 19:12




Since I am a very Impatiant, I upgraded my 8 Core i7 7820x to a 16 core i9 7960x (thank you ebay :D)

I know its not the newest CPU on the market but still kinda head to head with the Ryzen 16 Core CPUs

(also I dont have to money to switch my complete platform to a new expensive CPU)




CPU: see video

Ram: 64gb DDR4 3200Mhz

Storage: SSD

GPU: 1080Ti


In the video you can see the result between them two.

I'd like to know your oppinion...is 8 core enought? What are your rocking?


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